It’s mid-May, what I consider to be the official beginning of the outdoor season in the Twin Cities. Despite the early-April heat spell, we’ve had a pretty cool spring.  Things got green pretty quick, and then slowed down.

I put seeds down in the fall, and I’ve been watching all the cotyledons come up in the bare dirt where I put them.  I’m still not sure what a lot of them are, besides ragweed.

As for all the starters I put in throughout the season last year, I’ve been identifying them as they come up. Many of the tags went away.

Here is a list of what has come up so far, when it went in, and what form it was planted as.  These are roughly in order by area, starting in the southwest and going east, north, and then west to end in Northwest.

Yellow Coneflower 

Ratibida pinnata.  Early summer.  Adult transplant from my old house.

Yellow Coneflower

Giant Hyssop

Agastache scrophulariifolia. Late summer. Starter pot.

Giant Hyssop

Purple Meadow Rue

Thalictrum dasycarpum.  Early summer.  Adult transplant from my old house.

Purple Meadow Rue

Virginia Waterleaf

Hydrophyllum virginianum.  Early summer.  Accidental transplant from my old house.

Culver’s Root

Veronicastrum virginicum. Late summer. Starter pot.

Culver’s Root

Lion’s Foot

Prenanthes alba.  Late summer.  Transplant from where I first planted it as a starter pot in the early summer.  It was badly sunburned and dried up after transplanting, and left for dead.  

Lion’s Foot

Heart-leaved Aster

Symphyotrichum cordifolium. Early summer.  Adult transplant from my old house.

Wild Geranium

Geranium maculatum.  Fall. Transplanted roots from elsewhere in the yard.

Canada Columbine

Aquilegia canadensis.  Early summer.  Starter pot.

Canada Columbine

Common Evening Primrose

Oenothera biennis. Early fall.  Transplanted taproot from elsewhere in the yard.

Common Evening Primrose

Lindley’s Aster

Symphyotrichum ciliolatum.  Fall.  Starter pot.

Lindley’s Aster

Big Leaf Aster

Eurybia macrophylla.  Summer.  Starter pot.

Bigleaf Aster

Short’s Aster. 

Symphyotrichum shortii. Summer.  Starter pot.

Short’s Aster

Cardinal Flower

Lobelia cardinalis. Summer.  Starter pot.

Cardinal Flower

Wild Bergamot

Monarda fistulosa. Late summer. Starter pot.

Wild Bergamot

Scarlet Bee Balm

Monarda didyma. Summer.  Transplanted from elsewhere in the yard.

Scarlet Bee Balm

Cup Plant

Silphium perfoliatum. Late summer. Starter pot.

Cup Plant

Compass Plant

Silphium laciniatum. Late summer. Starter pot.

Compass Plant

Big Bluestem

Andropogon gerardii. Late summer. Starter pot.

Big Bluestem

Early Sunflower

Heliopsis helianthoides. Late summer. Starter pot.

Early Sunflower

Pale Purple Coneflower

Echinacea pallida. Late summer. Starter pot.

Pale Purple Coneflower

Blazing Star

Liatris. Summer. Starter pot.


Prairie Coreopsis

Coreopsis palmata. Late summer, Starter pot.

Prairie Sage

Artemisia ludoviciana. Late summer, starter pot.

Prairie Sage

Prairie Smoke

Geum triflorum. Summer. Starter pot.

Prairie Smoke

Plains Oval Sedge

Carex brevior. Late summer. Starter pot.

Plains Oval Sedge

Little Bluestem

Schizachyrium scoparium. Early summer. Starter pot.

Little Bluestem

Cut-leaf Coneflower

Rudbeckia laciniata. Early Summer, Starter pot.

Cutleaf Coneflower

Wild Petunia

Ruellia humilis. Summer. Starter pot.

Wild Petunia

Purple Coneflower

Echinacea purpurea. Late summer. Starter pot.

Purple Coneflower

Indian Grass

Sorghastrum nutans. Late summer. Starter pot.

Indian Grass

Side-Oats Grama

Bouteloua curtipendula. Late summer. Starter pot.

Side-Oats Grama

Purple Prairie Clover

Dalea purpurea. Early fall. Starter pot.

Purple Prairie Clover

So far no sign of Butterfly Weed or Lead Plant