What I’ve been doing lately:

  • Paperwork. Mostly my taxes.
  • Working an average 5 hours a day on my parents’ house.
  • Writing quick and partial songs and recording them on minitape. Playing drums with sticks (I normally use brushes).
  • Worrying about muscle stiffness. My hands tense up when I play guitar for more than 30 minutes. My joints are starting to ache slightly. If I work really hard at music I may find success in my 40s, just in time to be a hopelessly depressed arthritic old man.
  • Contacting places to play in Milwaukee and Chicago. No one so far.
  • Researching the prospect of moving to Chicago.
  • Researching the prospect of going back to school and taking web development classes.
  • Thinking about how silly everything is and wondering why people even try and if I should even bother.