The last thing I need right now is to get my ear chewed out by a guy who technically pays me as an independent contractor, at $9 an hour, who sometimes can’t afford to pay me at all. I don’t need someone who can’t get his own shit together getting on my case about not being serious enough, much less while I’m off the clock. I don’t need be guilt tripped about the fact that I’m looking for another job, and I don’t need to be compelled to destroy my own apartment after getting off the phone with somebody. I don’t need my day ruined by a job that’s not even technically a job when I’m not even working there. I certainly don’t need it right now. But that’s exactly what happened.

What I do need is for someone to pay me to do a good job at something I can actually do and leave me alone about everything else. I need to find a job that I can stand to do while I’m there and forget about when I’m not. And because I’m the selfish bastard that I am I’d like to have my meager fucking lifestyle financed by it.